Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Project Begins

So...this is quite the undertaking... and I am loving it because I am a nerd who loves to research stuff. Yeah, I know, its "not normal". Anyway, I am not sure what version of the Bible good ol' PollyAnna was referring too so I am just kind of winging this a bit when it comes to least in that particular detail. So, my over-achievingness came out and said, "Let's cross reference different versions and bust out a thesaurus for other versions of those 'Joy' and 'Glad' words!"

I now have a LOT of verses.

But I don't really know how many or if they even all apply to the content. I mean, you really do have to look at context, you cannot just say a verse is about rejoicing and being glad just because it has those words. A couple of these referred to what the wicked rejoice in... it's not the same really....but i thought that would be interesting to look at as a sort of what-not-to-be-glad-about.

Don't laugh but I think I am going to use an excel spreadsheet. Seriously. There is no way I am counting all these.

Oh AND I am going to attempt to do this in order. I took all the verses that the concordance gave me for my searches so far and combined them to be in order. I know right!?! I am so proud of me too. But really, I might get an AHA moment and realize I didn't search....I dunno...the word Happy and have to go back a book. (Don't get too upset with me :P this is all a journey) But my handy-dandy excel sheet will help me keep track of whether or no I already looked at the verse to begin with. Because, lets face it, we are talking hundreds. I am gonna forget. Its like a given.

So...thats where its at right now, I am looking at the first verse in context and doing a little thoughtful jotting about it. Should have the first one soon! Yay!!

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